Property Protection

Welcome to Hoste, where we redefine the experience of vacation rental management. Our services are designed to provide property owners with unparalleled ease and confidence in managing their properties on platforms like Airbnb, Vrbo, and Expedia. At the core of our offerings is the commitment to safeguard your investment, ensuring that every guest’s stay contributes positively to your property’s legacy.

Comprehensive Vacation Rental Management

At Hoste, we understand that your property is more than just a space—it’s a valuable asset and a source of joy for travelers from around the world. That’s why we offer a 360-degree service that covers every aspect of vacation rental management, from marketing and guest communication to maintenance and revenue optimization.

Inclusive Property Protection 

Every Hoste customer enjoys the benefits of our Property Protection feature, a testament to our dedication to your property’s safety and integrity. We believe that peace of mind shouldn’t be optional, which is why we include cutting-edge guest screening and a robust damage protection program for all, ensuring that your property is always in good hands.

With Hoste, you can rest assured that your property is protected, your guests are vetted, and your rental experience is nothing short of exceptional.

Guest Screening

At Hoste, we take the security of your property seriously. Our Guest Screening process is a cornerstone of our Property Protection feature, ensuring that only the most reputable guests enjoy your home.

Advanced Guest Screening Process

We employ a sophisticated screening system that utilizes a combination of technology and human oversight to evaluate potential guests. Our proprietary algorithms analyze various data points, including past reviews and booking patterns, to identify the best matches for your property.

Criteria for Guest Selection

Our criteria are stringent and designed to filter out guests who may pose a risk to your property. We look for positive rental histories, verified identities, and a clear record of respecting host properties. This proactive approach significantly reduces the likelihood of property damage and disturbances.

Preventing Unauthorized Parties

We understand the importance of maintaining the tranquility of your property. Our system includes specific checks to flag potential party organizers and prevent bookings that could lead to unauthorized events. By prioritizing the quality of guests, we maintain the integrity of your property and the satisfaction of your neighbors.

Through our Guest Screening process, Hoste ensures that your property is not just a rental space but a well-cared-for home that attracts the best guests the market has to offer.

Damage Protection

Ensuring the safety and well-being of your property is a priority at Hoste. Our Damage Protection feature is a testament to our commitment, offering comprehensive coverage for every stay.

Coverage Details

Every booking through Hoste comes with the assurance of damage protection. We provide coverage for up to $2,500 per stay, safeguarding your property against the unexpected. This feature is designed to handle incidents that may occur, giving you the confidence that your property is well-protected.

Incident Coverage

Our protection plan covers a range of potential damages, from minor accidents to more significant issues. Whether it’s a broken vase or a damaged sofa, we’re prepared to step in and cover the costs. It’s our way of ensuring that the occasional mishap doesn’t disrupt your peace of mind.

Claims Process

In the rare event that damage does occur, our claims process is straightforward and user-friendly. Property owners can easily report an incident through their Hoste account, and our dedicated team will guide you through the steps to resolve the issue promptly and efficiently.

With Hoste’s Damage Protection, you can enjoy the rewards of property rental without the worry. We’re here to support you, every step of the way.

Advantages for Hoste Customers

Choosing Hoste for your vacation rental management comes with a suite of benefits, particularly when it comes to the protection and care of your property.

Comprehensive Protection for Every Customer

Every Hoste customer enjoys the peace of mind that comes with our inclusive Property Protection feature. This means every booking is backed by our commitment to safeguard your property, without the need for additional fees or subscriptions.

Ensuring Property Safety and Guest Quality

Our advanced screening process not only protects your property but also ensures a higher caliber of guests. This leads to better reviews, higher ratings, and, ultimately, more bookings for your property.

Impact on Customer Satisfaction and Property Ratings

The assurance of property safety and the quality of guests have a direct impact on customer satisfaction. Happy guests leave glowing reviews, which boosts your property’s visibility and desirability on rental platforms.

By entrusting your property to Hoste, you’re not just getting a service provider—you’re gaining a partner dedicated to maximizing your property’s potential and ensuring every guest’s stay is a success.


Hearing from those who have experienced the Hoste difference can be incredibly reassuring. In this section, we share the voices of our satisfied customers, whose properties have thrived under our care.

Customer Success Stories

Our customers’ success is our success. Here, we feature a collection of stories from property owners who have seen their rental businesses flourish with Hoste’s Property Protection. From increased bookings to zero incidents of damage, these testimonials highlight the tangible benefits of our comprehensive service.

Effectiveness of Property Protection

The proof is in the protection. Customers will recount how the advanced screening and damage protection have directly contributed to a worry-free hosting experience. These accounts serve as a testament to the effectiveness of our Property Protection feature and the peace of mind it brings to every Hoste customer.

By sharing these real-world experiences, we aim to illustrate the positive impact that Hoste’s Property Protection has on both property owners and guests alike.

In conclusion, Hoste’s Property Protection is more than just a feature—it’s our pledge to you, the property owner. We understand the trust you place in us when you hand over the keys to your property, and we take that responsibility seriously. Our comprehensive guest screening and damage protection are designed to ensure that every stay is as secure and enjoyable as possible.

The Hoste Assurance

With Hoste, you’re not just getting a service; you’re getting an assurance. An assurance that every guest is carefully vetted, that your property is protected against damages, and that you have a dedicated team ready to support you at every turn.

We invite you to experience the Hoste difference. Join the community of property owners who have elevated their rental experience with our full range of services. Let us manage the details, so you can enjoy the benefits of your investment with complete peace of mind.

Financial Indepenence

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Discover the effortless way to turn your property into a profitable vacation rental. Start your journey with us today.