Free Short Term Rental/Airbnb Property Analysis

Find Out How Much Better Your Short Term Rental Can Perform

Maximize Bookings to Increase Occupancy Rate
Optimize Pricing to Increase Booking Revenue
Attract Better Quality Guests
Increase Positive Reviews

You may have heard that short term rentals bring in 2-3X more revenue than traditional long term rentals... but not every Short Term Rental performs this way...

Most hosts under estimate the amount of work it takes to run a short term rental and quickly burn out...

Here's a few questions that can help you find out if your Short Term Rental can perform better and give you time freedom to do what you love...

#1 Do you have a specific acquisition, management and marketing plan for your Short Term Rental?

#2 Do you know how to analyze the profit potential in your market?

#3 Are your occupancy rates consistent even during slow season?

#4 Are you driving direct bookings so you don't rely on Airbnb, VRBO, or other OTAs?

#5 Do you have a good system to manage guest communications and respond to inquiries promptly (especially late night)?

#6 Do you have a marketing plan to turn past guests into repeat clients?

#7 Do you have a good vetting process so you don't get low quality guests who leave bad reviews, request refunds or damage your property?

#8 Are you providing a unique and memorable experience for your guests from pre-booking to post checkout and beyond?

#9 Are you outsourcing time consuming tasks like laundry, cleaning or managing cleaners, communicating with guests, accounting, pricing, doing property upkeep & maintenance?

#10 Do you have time to do things outside your business or add more properties to your portfolio?

If you answered "No" to any of the questions above, then chances are your Short Term Rental can perform better...

To find out how much more you can make from your Short Term Rental without spending more time or money, fill out the form below to get a free Short Term Rental Analysis...

Kilian Gordon
Hostē team
Short Term Rental Specialist

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